August Update: 10 things we've improved
  1. You can now mark all notifications as read with a single click.

  2. Large image previews load even faster for instant display.

  3. Use the keyboard shortcut "L" to like images in the large image view.

  4. Press "i" while hovering over a thumbnail to access file information in no time (works with most browsers).

  5. You can now easily create sub-galleries in the gallery list. Yay!

  6. Add another team member with the new Pro+ plan. Invite your editor or colleague and start collaborating instantly!

  7. Download, select and view file information much easier with the new hover menu on files that don’t show thumbnails, like MP3 files.

  8. Notification emails are easier to read on mobile devices - no more zooming in on small screens.

  9. Create galleries without them opening automatically. Useful when creating many galleries at once!

  10. Improved uploads: See thumbnails of your uploaded files even sooner.

+ many other small improvements and bug fixes!

Happy sharing!
Your picdrop team